Sunday, 1 June 2008

Happy Anniversary (for Tomorrow!)

Old gits :o))

I was thinking this morning how it must be NEARLY 30 years ! When I spotted Paula's blog.
I CAN'T BEGIN to imagine that length of time!!
Well done, any many congratulations

Couple of photos taken at our wedding ( a mere 3 years ago!)

Ice Skating!

Dum dum dum
d-d d-d d-d
dum dum dum-dum... (OK you try "word -humming" Ravel's bolero)

Al took the older kiddies
ice skating today whilst I baby sat Ben (his feet were too small for the skates :o( ).
No major injuries thankfully & Al had to drag the biggest two off the ice after 3 whole hours.

(first input to blog from better half..;o))..........the skates didnt even go to charlies size let alone ben's but we decided that as she wasnt about to go speeding down the ice (she would be too busy holding daddy up!) she could manage some skates that were two sizes too big...

We all started off glued to the sides, making short shuffles in an attempt to avoid the embarrasment of falling over was soon obvious that the whole ice skating idea was a good one as the older kids were full of smiles and seemed to be having a great time..katie got more confident and began to come away from the side a little, whilst matt began racing people and despite producing some incredibly impressive falls, got up and sped on, bruises and all...

Charlie actually took to the ice well, she didnt want to be held and actually tried to free her self from daddy grip on a few occasions until she realised that it really was as hard as daddy was making it look.

Confidence grew and the two of us started playing police cars (charlie acting as my front wheel of a tricycle), she did the siren and we sped off to arrest and crash in to matt and katie.

After three hours of fun, falling over and very sore ankles katie and matt were convinced off the ice, with the promise of a return next week (hopefully with mum)

So all in all..a good afternoon spent, trying not to fall over whilst being over taken by people whom obviously had a mis spent youth...i would have shown them all up but for the fact i had to maintain my composure and keep both me and charlie from breaking a bone or two....

took a couple of pics..not the best but its never easy taking pics when trying to participate and look after others.

Link of the week

Have you checked my link of the week?
Did you see disco squirrels last time?
This weeks is great for using up left over food! (not that we have much with a family of 6!)