Thursday, 31 December 2009

Happy New Year!

Hope you have a great one.
Love from us all

Sunday, 27 December 2009

I forgot to say...

That we're missing you all accross the miles, Especially this time of year!

Hope you are all having a fabulous Christmas and have a really wonderful New Year.

Hope we'll see you all soon.

Lots of big hugs and kisses from all of us.


Merry Christmas xxx

Belated, but here you have some snaps from our quiet but lovely Christmas Day...


Just browsing for some nice pictures. Hope you like these x

What the family have to endure...

I spent HOURS perfecting it. The perfect lemon and ginger ring cake. Then I dropped it - so I iced it anyway...

Norfolk trip (incorporating Ben's second Birthday!)

OK. so this preceded Dad's Birthday but I ran out of space within the year in pictures post...

Had a fab time staying at our good friend Jon and Claire's static van near Cromer. Have some fantastic photo's which I'll post as a slide show later but here are a couple of tasters...
Here is one of Katie Charlie and Matty on the big slide on Cromer Sea front. On the right Ben is enjoying his new garage he got for his Birthday.

Friday, 25 December 2009

Year in pictures!

Hi Folks!
Seeing as I'm so far behind in this blogging lark I thought I'd quickly summarise the last few months!
Hope you enjoy xxx

Coursetry course.
Had a fantastic time in wales, staying at the thomas shop and studying with Bethan of desert orchid corsets. There was only the four of us on the course. Sandie, her Mum and Sister. As we were all together we stayed in the the old meeting house. Had one meal out at the local pub but discovered that the couple who run the Thomas house were fantastic hosts, and fantastic cooks and above all an absolute hoot! We can't wait to go back again! (Pleeeeeeaaaseeeee allly-babyxxx)

The D.O.G.
At the end of September after bullying the mama we brought Lola in to our lives.
A then and now picture...

Charlie's Birthday!
Had a great time, charlies first official Birthday party (i.e. Charlie chose the guests!) and even Aunty Jemma came along to join the fun!

Katie's Birthday
Of course Katie's birthday swiftly follows Charlie's so here is some more snaps.
We changed the theme slightly and had a cook-in! There were 4 guests so including our three permanent residents there were 7 in all. We made and iced wonderful sticky cakes and cooked pizzas. they were marvellously creative. especially Katie who had green strawberry cakes and a fantastic bird pizza. (you'll have to look side on)
Only Charlie performing this year. As Rudolph! I don't actually remember this character from our nativity plays but perhaps I wasn't paying attention!! Anyway she did a fantastic job and we were very proud!
Here she is with her new cup from Santa after the show.

Winter sunshine.
Everyone has been saying what rubbish weather we've been having this year. I didn't see much of it. Here is a picture taken during a walk the weekend before Christmas. It's a new nature reserve we have discovered a couple of weeks ago when we went to a tree dressing ceremony a few weeks beforehand. This was out first walk and the picture is taken off Apple Dumpling Bridge!