Thursday, 15 May 2008

Flying Fish.

Did you know that skate (or perhaps rays) could fly?
Well neither did I, until this morning however.
I was busy admiring my lovely foxgloves and pondering over how it was that the flowers all point away from those on adjacent fronds (?) when it hit me. The stench was UNBELIEVABLE!
I looked own, and there it was. An enormous head. Obviously the fish, skate or most likely Giant Manta Ray given the size, had crash landed on its 100m journey from the sea and landed in the garden.
There is simply no other explanation. A seagull couldn't carry it. Badgers and foxes can't swim (well not deep sea anyway as far as I'm aware...) I suppose it could have been dropped by a giant Roc flying over our house, but, I'm informed, they are only mythical creatures.
The mystery remains. Oh, unless our neighbours just hate us... :o)
Who knows?
I think I'll save it for Al when he gets home from work. xxx


Paulapaulelladev said...

Oh come on, it was the remains of last nights tea wasn't it????
lovely talking to ya the other night!!! keep on blogging, helps me feel closer to you!
love Paula

Richard Lawty said...

Oooeer....ummm...I'll go with the mythical creature cos it's SO unsensible & good for me to think like that sometimes. Helps me 'get' where the family is at presently with all the wonderful creatures that you have in your back yards. We just have 2 lazy cats...!